Apoio ao Recém-Nascido
Apoio ao recém-nascidos com profissionais qualificadas com certificação de Nanny Materna ou Enfermeira Pediátricas neo natal. São profissionais experientes e especializadas em cuidados com recém-nascidos para ajudar as famílias com os seus bebés nos primeiros 3 meses de vida.
Nanny Materna
Uma nanny materna ajuda os pais em todos os cuidados com o bebé recém-nascido. Ajudam na rotina do bebé assegurando uma boa alimentação e um bom descanso. A nanny apoio na alimentação escolhida pela família seja leite materno, leite de fórmula ou misto.
As funções da nanny materna incluem alimentação, massagem de alívio de cólicas dos bebés, troca de fraldas, banhos, vestir / despir e ajuda nas rotinas de sono.
Deveres da nanny materna (cuidar das roupas do bebé, esterilização de biberons e equipamentos, manter o quarto limpo e arrumado).
VALORES – mediante consulta
Nanny Materna
Uma nanny materna ajuda os pais em todos os cuidados com o bebé recém-nascido. Ajudam na rotina do bebé assegurando uma boa alimentação e um bom descanso. A nanny apoio na alimentação escolhida pela família seja leite materno, leite de fórmula ou misto.
As funções da nanny materna incluem alimentação, massagem de alívio de cólicas dos bebés, troca de fraldas, banhos, vestir / despir e ajuda nas rotinas de sono.
Deveres da nanny materna (cuidar das roupas do bebé, esterilização de biberons e equipamentos, manter o quarto limpo e arrumado).
VALORES – mediante consulta

Nanny Dos Sonhos
As nannies dos sonhos são almas preciosas que salvam muitos pais de muita angústia e exaustão, ajudando os seus recém-nascidos a dormir. Alguns bebés podem ser muito ativos e precisam de nannies noturnas para apoiar os pais fatigados e com necessidade de algumas horas de sono prolongado. A nanny dos sonhos cuida da hora de dormir, das fraldas e das refeições noturnas (levando o bebé até si, se estiver a amamentar). As nossas nannies dos sonhos ajudarão o seu bebé a estabelecer uma rotina de sono.
Semana normal de 6 noites
€ 600 / semana | Gemeos €750 semana
Internacional €900 / semana | Gemeos 1000€ / semana
Noites avulso 150€ – 180 € / noite
As nannies dos sonhos são muito procuradas, por isso recomendamos que as reserve com antecedência.
Nanny Dos Sonhos
As nannies dos sonhos são almas preciosas que salvam muitos pais de muita angústia e exaustão, ajudando os seus recém-nascidos a dormir. Alguns bebés podem ser muito ativos e precisam de nannies noturnas para apoiar os pais fatigados e com necessidade de algumas horas de sono prolongado. A nanny dos sonhos cuida da hora de dormir, das fraldas e das refeições noturnas (levando o bebé até si, se estiver a amamentar). As nossas nannies dos sonhos ajudarão o seu bebé a estabelecer uma rotina de sono.
6 noites por semana
€ 600 / semana | Gemeos €750 semana
Internacional €900 / semana | Gemeos 1000€ / semana
Noites avulso 150€ – 180 € / noite
As nannies dos sonhos são muito procuradas, por isso recomendamos que as reserve com antecedência.

What Our Families Say

“I would of been totally lost without Nanny Portugal, and their amazing team. They helped me through every step of the way and were there to help me on the day my son was born. From the best maternity nurse to a year on and having the most fabulous nanny for my son now, I can’t recommend Nanny Portugal highly enough. Professional, Courteous and Kind their nannies are fully qualified, loving and nurturing and make leaving your child in someones’ care stress free.”

“I have known Filipa Almeida for many years now and have many clients that speak highly of her agency. So when we had our baby two years ago, she was incredibly efficient and helping us find help. You can see that great effort goes into making sure that all of the people she works with go through a strict interview and vetting process. One of the nannies had to move, and instantly she found an amazing replacement. My wife and I highly recommend her services to anyone needing a nanny.”

I have used Filipa Almeida’s Nanny Agency for the past 5 years while living in Portugal and I have had nothing but great experiences. She is efficient, thorough and vets the nannies such that only the top ones are placed with families. She also took the time to get to know my family so that the nannies fit both our needs and temperament. As a pediatrician, I am very particular about the training of anyone who is taking care of my children so that fact that all the nannies at the Nanny Agency are trained in first aid and CPR is especially important. I highly recommend Filipa and her agency.

“I have worked with Nanny Portugal for the past 10 years and have only good things to say! The research of candidates is made seriously and the girls have been always serious, Responsible and professional.”
What Our Families Say

“I would of been totally lost without Nanny Portugal, and their amazing team. They helped me through every step of the way and were there to help me on the day my son was born. From the best maternity nurse to a year on and having the most fabulous nanny for my son now, I can’t recommend Nanny Portugal highly enough. Professional, Courteous and Kind their nannies are fully qualified, loving and nurturing and make leaving your child in someones’ care stress free.”

“I have known Filipa Almeida for many years now and have many clients that speak highly of her agency. So when we had our baby two years ago, she was incredibly efficient and helping us find help. You can see that great effort goes into making sure that all of the people she works with go through a strict interview and vetting process. One of the nannies had to move, and instantly she found an amazing replacement. My wife and I highly recommend her services to anyone needing a nanny.”

I have used Filipa Almeda’s Nanny Agency for the past 5 years while living in Portugal and I have had nothing but great experiences. She is efficient, thorough and vets the nannies such that only the top ones are placed with families. She also took the time to get to know my family so that the nannies fit both our needs and temperament. As a pediatrician, I am very particular about the training of anyone who is taking care of my children so that fact that all the nannies at the Nanny Agency are trained in first aid and CPR is especially important. I highly recommend Filipa and her agency.

“I have worked with Nanny Portugal for the past 10 years and have only good things to say! The research of candidates is made seriously and the girls have been always serious, Responsible and professional.”